Customizing Efficient & Targeted Solutions for You
Welcome to Universal Acupuncture
20 years ago, Acupuncture provided a complete solution for me to a very bad back problem where no other therapy or treatment did. I created and developed Universal Acupuncture over the past 20 years in order to help and refine that same solution or similar for others in the same situation.
At Universal Acupuncture we provide a different approach to that same problem
Stephen Dunne - Acupuncturist
Come Heal with Use.
We specialize in …….
At universal Acupuncture we specialise in a variety of different conditions including ……….
Tiny Needle. Big Impact.
What Does it Feels Like?
Painless | Tingling | Warm
Acupuncture is a painless treatment that only goes just beyond the surface. The tiny radius of an acupuncture needle can create a profound effect on the body without you knowing it’s there.
Rory Ryan, Assistant Manager
Educo Gym Naas
I’ve done a grade 4 dislocation to my A/C joint 10 months before meeting Stephen. I have been doing my own rehab work on it myself and managed to get the majority...
Naomi Meehan – Business Owner
Get Creative
My name is Naomi from Get Creative and we make it a policy to only use trustworthy people when looking for supplies or services to be completed on our behalf both at home and at work...
Michael Carey – Builder
Cardoon Builders
To whom it may concern, I have used the services of Stephen Dunne, Universal Acupuncture. I have had back problems for the last 3 years...
Angela Burns, Branch Manager
Stephen, After recommending various clients with pains, niggles, and those frustrating and often unanswered injuries. I can’t recommend your services enough...
90 mins Intro to Acupuncture Session
60 Mins Intro to Acupuncture Session
Plan 3 Sessions plus per week
Subject to Availability and Location